Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Week 1 Day 3

Today's Goal

1. Write up analysis of a quote from the short story "White Encounters" in relation to article by Simon Gikandi, "Reason, Modernity, and the African Crisis"
2. Write 725 words

How It Went

I wrote about 1,000 words and found some sources to provide historical information about South Africa in 1980s. It was a productive day.


Shelby said...

I think the goal to write so many words or so many sentences is interesting. How is that working out for you? I usually just have goals to finish a section on this or that, which seems to be working well for me.

rhaki said...

So far so good. I always set a low goal so I can feel motivated rather than defeated and so I can get a sense of how many words I can write in one day. Of course this will be different at different points in the process. The main reason I have to do it like this is that I am really up against my deadline and the bottom line is that I have to produce words on the page to have a 35-page chapter ASAP. Oh man, I can't believe in the discussion this morning that 50 pages is a more typical chapter! Oh, well. First 35, then I'll see what I can do about 50!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great day - and I love how specific you were with your goal. That's really hard for me, but I know it would be really helpful. I have trouble planning such specific steps or identifying something so specific ahead of time. I think I was able to do more of that when I was doing true revising for my last chapter. Right now I'm kind of piecing something new together, so it all remains unknown territory.

By the way, I liked your suggestion about just sticking comments into your document whenever you come upon something that you need more info/research on. It is so liberating to think of being able to push through something even if I don't have *everything* figured out yet. That's been part of my current struggle -- feeling like I need to know everything I might possibly need to know about these topics before I can begin.