Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hard Week

This was a hard week for me, and I didn't make it to my writing sessions. I workshopped my draft of chapter 1 on Friday and attended the workshops of others in my group on Wednesday and Thursday at 3:15, so I couldn't make it to the afternoon Write-On sessions. Late nights made it hard to get to the morning sessions, and by Friday I was just feeling a bit demoralized and done.

On Wednesday I worked at home from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.--reminding myself that home is a place of distraction for me. I didn't get to the desk at 8 and didn't stay until 10:30.

I wanted to write 15 pages this week, but only got 6.

My workshop on Friday was useful. We came up with an outline, so now I feel like I can write a paragraph or so on each item and then evaluate the draft from there.

The last week of the program will be hectic again as I have my last dissertation writing workshop class on Thursday, so to get three sessions in I will have to go to two 8 a.m. sessions--not my favorite. I hope I can dig down for a last week push!