Friday, June 5, 2015


Today's Goals
1. Read "Lest We Forget" article.
2. Read "Facts and Norms" article.
3. Write 1 page so that I have written 5 pages this week.
4. Spend 1 hour reading Habermas--I find Habermas's material to be an incredibly dense. I like this direction as a way to think and make a point about democracy and subject formation and the limits of rationality as a central trope of modernity, but I also know I can spend all summer trying to get a grip on what this philosopher is saying, so it will be important for me to look at two key sources for him (Theory of Communication and The Habermas Reader while also moving forward on other ideas and writing up other material or else I will not finish this chapter quickly. So I will try the method of putting a time limit on reading Habermas.
5. Read "Commemorating the Trojan Horse."

I would also like to read "Photographer Autonomy" and "Properties of Whiteness" and complete the historical context of 1980s SA. I think all of this is going in the direction of an unrealistic goal, but I will use this as a goal dump and start to see how much is doable in a day, a weekend, a week as a way to continue to refine my goal setting process. Goal setting has been helpful for me. My research takes me in different directions, and that is all part of the process, so I am fine with that, but having a plan and setting a goal is almost like an easy writing ritual at the beginning of a writing session; it gets me typing, it gets me thinking about my project, and then I am in it an away I go. Otherwise if I just sit at the computer and start working on the chapter, I will avoid doing that all day!

Thank God It's Friday!
I wrote about 400 words on Friday. I found online sources about South Africa in the 80s and used those sources to find books on the topic. I checked out about 4 books from the library, finding other sources once I was in that section. I didn't work at all over the weekend--I read about 1 page on Sunday night. I do think I will need to write every day to finish, but I see myself as building the muscle, so this weekend the muscle wasn't ready yet! I do feel in a good place though. I have lots of sources and need to write up some context about South Africa in the 80s--a fairly straightforward task.


Unknown said...

Good! It seems a lot of work though. :)

Unknown said...

I like your idea of setting a time limit on your reading of that source. I occasionally use that method for different tasks, but not often enough for dissertation work.

It sounds like you set your goals at the beginning of the writing session. Do you feel like that's working well for you? I'm just curious about how other people do the goal-setting because it's something I'm not great at. I feel like I really have to set the goals the day/night before. Otherwise I have that "what now" feeling in the morning because I don't know what I should do. But I've found that I don't do ANY more work after I leave camp each day; it's been hard to even think about reconnecting to it later in the day. Have you been able to have any dissertation work time after camp?